September 26, 2020 – Last Outside Worship Service

What a way to end the summer! We have used the Elm Creek park as our temporary place of worship because our regular facility was too small to gather due to Covid 19. God has been good and has blessed Pathways with good weather every Saturday that we were at the park to worship, even holding back the rain one Sabbath to give us just enough time to finish our service. Last Sabbath marked the last time we were at the park and our small group of children led the service with songs of praise and worship. It’s amazing watching these kids grow up and start leading out at church. Everyone really enjoyed their music!

Now with the weather getting colder and colder Pathways has been searching for an enclosed place to worship. After countless phone calls and many meetings we are excited about a new location that God has led us to. The new location is at 16 2nd Ave SE, Osseo, MN 55369 and is the home to United Methodist Church of Osseo. They have agreed to let us rent their facility during certain days of the week. October 3rd will mark our first Sabbath at the new location so we hope to see everyone there. What about our current facility? We will have more details to follow but for now Pathways will keep the current facility and use it as a youth center while also worshiping at the new facility in Osseo. God is good!